Te Tiriti o Waitangi Claims Overview
Te Waiariki | Ngāti Kororā | Ngāti Takapari
Claim numbers:
WAI 620
WAI 1411
WAI 1412
WAI 1413
WAI 1414
WAI 1415
WAI 1416
WAI 2549
WAI 2550
Lawyers: John Kahukiwa leads Corban Revell’s cross functional Māori legal services team and is also the lead lawyer for the Te Waiariki, Ngāti Kororā and Ngāti Takapari Hapū Trust.
For more details about the lawyer's representing the Hapū Trust. See their website https://corbanrevell.co.nz/our-expertise/treaty-of-waitangi/
WAI 620
Date of SOC: 26 Aug 96
Date received: 27 Aug 96
Claimant: Pereri Mahanga, Mitai Paraone-Kawiti and others
Representing: Te Waiariki, Ngāti Kororā Hapū
Concerning land and resources possessed by the Te Waiariki hapū. These refer specifically to land known as Kauri, Ōhuatahi, and Pukepoto Pā. The claims include Puhipuhi forest, Maruata, Kahakaharoa and Russell state forest. Claimants seek a variety of redress, including the return of "forestry lands" and compensation for land which cannot be returned and for the disruption and social dislocation which the hapū have suffered.

WAI 1411
Date of SOC: 01 May 07
Date received: 07 May 07
Claimant: Violet Sade, Phillip Marsh and Tahau Mahanga
Representing: The Descendants of Te Waiariki, Ngāti Kororā and Ngāti Takapari. Concerning: The claimants allege that this group has been prejudicially affected by Local Government, Town and Country, Reserves, Lands, Water and Conservation and Māori Trustee legislation. The claimants allege that the Crown actions in relation to these acts and legislation were contrary to Te Tiriti o Waitangi and have affected the claimants interests in the Tiriraukawa Maunga and the following land blocks:
• Tutukaka 1
• Tutukaka 2
• Puhipuhi North
• Puhipuhi South
• Maruata
• Horahora 1 A1
• Horahora 1 A2
• Kirpaka
Status: Consolidated

WAI 1412
Date of SOC: 01 May 07
Date received: 07 May 07
Claimant: Violet Sade, Valerie Timbers and Joe Mahanga
Representing: The Descendants of Te Waiariki, Ngāti Kororā, Ngāti Takapari. Concerning: The claimants allege that this group has been prejudicially affected by Crown land and water management policies which have caused Te Waiariki, Ngāti Kororā and Ngāti Taka land and resources to be damaged, depleted and polluted. They also allege that the Crown has allowed practices with the agricultural industry which have further polluted Te Waiariki, Ngāti Kororā and Ngāti Taka lands. The claimants allege that these Crown actions were contrary to the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi.
Status: Consolidated

WAI 1413
Date of SOC: 01 May 07
Date received: 07 May 07
Claimant: Violet Sade and Pereri Mahanga
Representing: The Descendants of Te Waiariki, Ngāti Kororā, Ngāti Takapari.
Concerning: The claim make several allegations against the Crown, including:
That the Crown actively facilitated, permitted or failed to prevent the permanent alienation of Te Waiariki, Ngāti Kororā and Ngāti Taka Lands. The claimants particularly specify that the sale of Ngunguru sandspit as land with which the claim is concerned;
That the Crown failed to set aside sufficient reserves for Te Waiariki, Ngāti Kororā and Ngāti Takapari use, and did not place adequate restrictions on the alienation of Te Waiariki, Ngāti Kororā and Ngāti Taka lands and resources;
That the Crown, through Native Land Court legislation and other related Acts, facilitated the fragmentation and further alienation of Te Waiariki, Ngāti Kororā and Ngāti Takapari land and resources and;
That in delegating powers and functions to local government bodies, the Crown failed to ensure that the process of such delegations was consistent with the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi.
The claimants allege that the Crown’s actions were contrary to the Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi, and have prejudicially affected the descendants of Te Waiariki, Ngāti Kororā and Ngāti Takapari.
Status: Consolidated

WAI 1414
Date of SOC: 01 May 07
Date received: 07 May 07
Claimant: Violet Sade, Rachel Wellington and Tipene Wilson
Representing: The Descendants of Te Waiariki, Ngāti Kororā, Ngāti Taka
Concerning: The claimants allege that the descendants of Te Waiariki, Ngāti Kororā and Ngāti Takapari have been prejudicially affected by Local Government, Native Land Court and Public Works legislation. The claimants specifically refer to the allowance of construction on sites of significance, the establishment of quarries without consultation and the awarding of the Otonga block in the Land Court. The claimants allege that the Crown actions in relation to these acts and legislation were contrary to Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
Status: Consolidated

WAI 1415
Date of SOC: 01 May 07
Date received: 07 May 07
Claimant: Violet Sade and Valerie Timbers
Representing: The Descendants of Te Waiariki, Ngāti Kororā, Ngāti Takapari.
Concerning: The claim makes several allegations against the Crown, including:
That the Crown has caused or allowed Te Waiariki, Ngāti Kororā and Ngāti Takapaki to suffer from poverty, economic stress and poor housing, health and education, resulting in an erosion of tino rangatiratanga;
That the Crown failed to recognise or incorporate the traditional management systems of Te Waiariki, Ngāti Kororā and Ngāti Takapari within it’s systems for managing biodiversity, or to allow these groups to participate in the management of these systems as kaitiaki of their forest, land and fisheries; and;
That the Crown failed to actively protect Te Waiariki, Ngāti Kororā and Ngāti Takapari customary ownership and management of their waterways, foreshore, seabed, marine and freshwater resources.
The claimants allege that the Crown’s actions were contrary to the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi, and have prejudicially affected the descendants of Te Waiariki, Ngāti Kororā and Ngāti Takapari.
Status: Consolidated

WAI 1416
Date of SOC: 01 May 07
Date received: 04 May 07
Claimant: Violet Sade, Elaine Marsh, Phillip Marsh, Joe Mahanga and Rachel Wellington
Representing: The descendants of Te Waiariki, Ngāti Kororā , Ngāti Taka
Concerning: The claim concerns a variety of Crown actions, including the operation of local government and the Ministry of Fisheries in the claimants area of interest, the pollution of the Matapuna Headwaters and local fisheries, permitting land development on sites of significance (including land in the Waikare, Manaia blocks) and the confiscation of land, including the Pūkahaka West Block. The claimant alleges that the Crown’s actions were contrary to the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi, and have prejudicially affected the descendants of Te Waiariki, Ngāti Kororā and Ngāti Takapari.
Status: Consolidated

WAI 2549
Date of SOC: 11 December 2015
Claimant: Pereri Mahanga, Mitai Paraone-Kawiti, Violet Sade, Ngaire Brown and Winiwini Kingi, on behalf of Te Waiariki, Ngāti Kororā and Ngāti Taka Pari Hapū Iwi
The claimants assert:
That they are not a hapū of Ngātiwai, and that their three hapū (Te Waiariki, Ngāti Kororā and Ngāti Takapari) maintain a defined manawhenua which is exclusive, autonomous and independent of Ngātiwai.
It is contrary to the genealogical, geographical and geopolitical facts of history in that the claimants are not Ngātiwai; and the claimants for those claims did not consent to their inclusion in the NTB’s DoM
The claimants assert that they have suffered and will continue to suffer the following significant and irreversible prejudice:
The Crown’s disregard of the hapū rangatiratanga of Te Waiariki, Ngāti Kororā and Ngāti Takapari hapū.
The Crown’s attempt to achieve, though the Ngātiwai mandate, what it was unable to achieve through the Ngāpuhi mandate.
The Crown being a party to the re-writing of the whakapapa of Te Waiariki, Ngāti Kororā and Ngāti Takapari hapū.
The potential loss of the ability to seek binding recommendations from the Tribunal with regards to Glenbervie Forest and the deterioration of relationships between the claimants, hapū and Ngātiwai.
•The claimants note that there are no other remedies available to them

WAI 2520
Date of SOC: 3 December 2015
Claimaint: Ruiha Collier and Haki Māhanga on behalf of Te Waiariki and Ngāti Kororā
The claimants, who whakapapa to Te Waiariki and Ngāti Kororā hapū, assert that these hapū are not Ngātiwai hapū. Rather, the claimants assert that these hapū are hapū of Ngāpuhi.
The claimants submit that they have suffered and will continue to suffer significant and irreversible prejudice because of the Crown’s failure to consult and adequately engage with the claimants, and the Crown’s failure to remove Wai 620 from the NTB Deed of Mandate