Ka nui te mihi ki a koutou katoa e ngā hapū e toru.. kua hīkina te manuka ko hīkina te Rāhui i tēnei rā ko whakataa te Moana nui a kiwa ... Ōpāpaka, Whakairiora Maunga, me Rangi Kōrero..
Kua whakawātea te huarahi mō tātou katoa te whānau..
Today, local Kaumātua Hone Tana and whānau met at Ōpāpaka to karakia and lift the Rāhui that was placed where our whanaunga Brad drowned. The area has now been deemed safe for whānau to gather kai and swim as per usual.
As always e te iwi, when you are out at the beach this summer keep safe, watch our tamariki, look after each other and respect our Taiao. Tihei mauri ora!