Huitau Pā! Te Waiariki Ariki Nui o Te Rangi te iwi. He Whare Maire i tū ki runga i tēnei Pā i ngā wā o mua. He Whare Maire mō ngā tohunga anake.
Tēnei te mihi kia koutou katoa,
Firstly, we want to extend our aroha and deepest condolences to the families of the two fishermen who went missing in Taiharuru.
This devastating tragedy highlights the significance of this area, known as Huitau by our hapū or 'the gap' to others, that sits within the tribal boundaries of Te Waiariki, Ngāti Kororā. This area is of utmost cultural significance, a wāhi tapu and is one of the most unforgiving parts of our coast. Haukāinga and locals are well aware of Huitau and it's dangers. However, the wider public and tourists may not be aware to avoid this rough and unpredictable fishing spot.
Thus, several rahui over many years have been placed on this wāhi tapu and site of significance. The historical rāhui implies that this site is to be avoided for fishing and for the ongoing safety of those visiting the area.
Sadly, many lives have been lost at Huitau. Hence, we encourage our hapori of Whangārei to adhere to this rāhui, for the reasons outlined above. To ensure that tragedies such as these do not reoccur. Once again, we extend our condolences to the bereaved and to their whānau and to those that have also lost loved ones here.
Appropriate signage will be placed on this site in due course. Please share this panui to any and all relevant social media platforms and communications forums. For any further information or inquiries, please contact kiaora@tewaiariki.com. Lastly, this is a timely opportunity to strengthen relationships, as these incidents are felt deeply within our community and resonate with so many.
"He au kei uta e taea te karo, he au kei te moana e kore e taea"