We are excited to share with you the details of our upcoming Hapū hui and haerenga around Rukuwai, Waikare and Taiharuru.
The kaupapa and purpose of this hui is to:
Building Hapū Whanaungatanga: Building our relationships within the hapū.
· Haerenga (Bus Trip): Discovering traditional sites to Te Waiariki in the Rukuwai, Waikare and Taiharuru area.
· Te Waiariki Whakapapa and Hitori: Gain insights into Te Waiariki genealogy and history.
Responding to the Whangarei District Council Pārua Bay Place-Making Plan (See below for more information).
· Planning Hapū Vision: Develop a collective Hapū vision for the Pārua Bay area.
· Hapū Response to Growth: Discuss the hapū's response to growth in Pārua Bay area.
· Weaving Hapū Narratives: Incorporate hapū stories into the design and space of Pārua Bay
RSVP below, bus seats are strictly limited.