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Koiwi Repatriation Hui in Pataua

Reflecting on our visit from Te Papa officials Te Arikirangi and Carolyn, and Museum of Vienna Director Prof. Sabine Eggers recently as they came to meet with us in beautiful Pataua.

It was a monumental occasion to have them visit us to speak about the Karanga Aotearoa repatriation programme, and the mahi that has happened so far, and the mahi that is still to come. It was also an opportunity for Prof. Sabine to express her apologies for the theft of tūpuna kōiwi by Andreas Reischek, and a chance to share some of the history and research with our people.

Overall the Hui was a great success and a chance for our people to engage directly with those involved in the repatriation kaupapa, and ask patai. We were blessed with great weather, amazing kai and a beautiful whānau atmosphere.

We want to express a HUGE mihi to all of our kaimahi who helped make the day a wonderful hui! We look forward to more hui happening and will keep you updated via Facebook and through our email database.

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