He korero mahi tahi ma tatou Te Waiariki, Ngāti Kororā, Ngāti Takapari Hapū
An urgent hapū hui will be held this Sunday 2nd April 2023 at Parua Bay School Hall from 9.00 - 11.00 am to discuss the film production which is being undertaken at Nukurarangi (Kauri Mountain).
The Te Waiariki, Ngāti Kororā, Ngāti Takapari Hapu Iwi Trust has only just been informed this week by Haukainga of the set up and film preparation being undertaken for the Television series Chief of War entitled YENEDAKINE at Nukurarangi. As of yesterday, a site visit was done by our kaitiaki and a stop works notice has been issued to the film location and crew in order for our Hapū to come together to discuss the matter. Hence, we feel this is a matter of urgency that we call a hui to provide an update of the works being undertaken at Nukurarangi and a further discussion and decision as to whether this project will continue. This is a site of cultural significance to our people, so we urge you all to come along e te whānau.
Nau mai, haere mai ki te whakarongo, ki te whakawhiti korero.